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About Zero Suicide Healthcare 

Led by hospital and healthcare leaders, the Zero Suicide framework standardises the approach to suicide management. It supports you to:

  1. introduce robust policies and procedures

  2. implement high quality frontline training

  3. proactively engage others to ensure the safety of people with suicidal behaviours.

The US based Education Development Centre and its Suicide Prevention Resource Centre developed the toolkit for the Zero Suicide model. For access to the extensive range of resources in this toolkit visit

Additional resources can be found here

About ZSIA services 

ZSIA supports health services to join the Zero Suicide Healthcare global movement and embark on this quality improvement approach.


The seven elements of the Zero Suicide Healthcare framework ensure a better experience for those who use your service: 

  • Open discussions about suicidal behaviour are standard practice

  • Care pathways are recovery-oriented

  • Warm transitions mean no person falls through the cracks.


Those who work in a Zero Suicide organisation are trained and competent and confident to work with people who are suicidal.  

Want to know more about ZSH?

Rotterdam International Declaration

The International Declaration was developed by more than 100 leading researchers, clinicians, people with lived experience, policy leaders, non government organisations and corporations working in suicide prevention who attended the Fourth Zero Suicide Healthcare Summit in Rotterdam in 2018.

It provides a concise and consistent platform for organisations seeking to implement the Zero Suicide Healthcare framework.

Introducing Zero Suicide Healthcare Learning

The foundational belief of Zero Suicide is that suicide deaths for individuals under the care of health systems are preventable. For systems dedicated to improving safety, Zero Suicide presents an aspirational challenge and a practical framework for system-wide transformation toward safer suicide care.

Transformative change cannot be borne solely by the practitioners providing clinical care. The entire enterprise plays a role in keeping staff and people in their care safe. This approach closes gaps, improves safety and delivers better outcomes.

The Zero Suicide Healthcare Learning modules introduce the framework to health services. The six modules provide a common understanding for your team as they plan for implementation of this initiative.

Module 1

Working alongside people with lived experience of suicide

People with lived experience of suicidal behaviour share their wisdom and help to identify ways to improve health services. Self-care is a critical component for all those who work with people who are suicidal.

Module 2

Understanding the Zero Suicide Healthcare framework

The Zero Suicide Healthcare approach supports systemic change within the health service. The seven elements when delivered as an integrated program have demonstrated globally to reduce suicides for those within the care of health services. 

Graph: Gold Coast Specialist Mental Health Services 2020 

Module 3

Strengthening a restorative, just & learning culture

In a Zero Suicide Healthcare organisation leaders build a culture centred on healing recovery and learning. This is foundational to the success of Zero Suicide Healthcare.

Module 4

Exploring organisational readiness

Exploring the current state of readiness will help prioritise actions for your health service and set up working groups to progress planning and implementation.

Module 5

Designing the Suicide Care Pathway

Every person who enters the health service will have their personalised pathway that is matched to their needs. The design of the pathway is a collaboration between the clinical team, the person and their support network.

Module 6

Planning evaluation from the start

For your implementation team the Evaluation Framework provides a comprehensive action plan to support the journey to implementation.

Developing skills for lethal means safety conversations

Training is an important element of the Zero Suicide Healthcare framework. Training provides staff with skills to be competent and feel confident in working with people with suicidality.


Lethal means counselling is a proven suicide prevention strategy. Yet, in most Australian health services few healthcare professionals have undertaken training in lethal means counselling. 

To strengthen skills in this area we have developed these three e-learning modules for developing lethal means safety conversations. You can purchase access from the products page or click on the button below.

Module 1

Introducing lethal means safety conversations

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In this module we introduce lethal means safety conversations. You will consider your own readiness to have the conversation, explore mechanisms by which people may choose to take their own life and review research that supports lethal means safety as an effective brief intervention in its own right.

Module 2

Techniques to open lethal means safety conversations

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It’s not always easy — nor comfortable — to talk about suicide. But talking about it is the best way to determine if a person currently has suicidal thoughts or has attempted suicide in the past.

Module 3

Collaborative lethal means safety conversations

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Translating lethal means safety theory into practice can be complex. It requires a strong understanding of the person, their socio-ecological environment as well as the factors that may foreseeably impact a person during critical phases of recovery.

About the online learning modules

This is where your implementation team takes the first steps to a deeper understanding of Zero Suicide Healthcare. These e-learning modules will help you and your team develop a common understanding of the approach.

Audience for online training

The modules can be accessed by any person interested in the Zero Suicide Healthcare approach.


It is recommended that a health service establish an implementation team with both clinical and non-clinical staff. The team should be co-chaired by a member with lived experience of suicide alongside health service leadership.


Subscribe now to  access the modules 

Secure your single user licence to access to the six online modules for one year.

Return to the modules as often as you want. When you are ready to start planning your implementation, secure additional licences for your team.

Invest in your implementation team by subscribing your entire team to the online learning.


Contact ZSIA to discuss your needs on  

In addition, as a ZSIA subscriber you will receive:

  • updates and ongoing communications from ZSIA to support the team

  • early offers to new training programs.

  • invitations to join the ZSIA Community of Practice to share your learning with others.

Add a personalised coaching session  

Need some additional help to bring Zero Suicide Healthcare into your organisation? Then this one-to-one coaching session is for you.

Access to the modules for 12 months and a value-add coaching session for leaders and implementation teams.

In addition, as a ZSIA subscriber you will receive:

  • updates and ongoing communications from ZSIA to support the team

  • early offers to new training programs.

  • invitations to join the ZSIA Community of Practice to share your learning with others



Review the online introductory program to Zero Suicide Healthcare

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Purchase the Zero Suicide Healthcare Evaluation Framework for all the outcomes, actions and measures you will need.

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Join others leading this initiative across Australia, and internationally,  to discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions to implementing Zero Suicide Healthcare.

Coming soon
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Contact ZSIA to arrange follow-up training and coaching for your implementation team

Our international partners have an extensive range of resources you can use to get started.

Our Australian developed resources build on these to help you roll out Zero Suicide Healthcare in your health service.

Our faculty are experts  in the specific elements of Zero Suicide Healthcare. Contact ZSIA to discuss your needs and one of the team will be able to work with you to find solutions.

Contact ZSIA

© 2019 Zero Suicide Institute of Australasia

Proudly affiliated with international partners

ZSIA Privacy Policy

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